We’re making vinyls of “insane in the rain”!

I’m delighted to share that we’ll be producing a limited-time run of vinyl records for my upcoming album “Insane In The Rain”. These vinyls records will be produced via Bandcamp’s “Create Vinyl with Bandcamp” feature, allowing anyone who is interested in the vinyl to get their hands on one within a limited time period. On October 21st, the same day as the album’s full digital launch, we’ll be launching the album’s vinyl campaign on Bandcamp. We’ll be accepting pre-orders for 30 days, with the goal of collecting enough pre-orders to hit Bandcamp’s campaign threshold to produce the album!

While there’s no way to “pre-pledge” or put in your order for a vinyl at this time, you can subscribe to my email list below to be informed of when this 30 day vinyl campaign launches on Bandcamp!