Carlos Eiene Interactive Music Reel

Listed below are examples of video game music that I have previously implemented in FMOD that utilize interactive music functionality! This page is unlisted from the rest of my website and must be accessed directly via a link.

“Rain River (Ghost Town)” - Breeze in the Clouds

In this track, I use parameter-controlled volume, EQ, and reverb automation to create the effect of coming across a lively saloon while walking through a rainy ghost town. Ambient rain sounds, saloon piano music, and the base environment track loop asynchronously from one another to create a seamless environment change.

Composition & Implementation: Carlos Eiene

From “Breeze in the Clouds” (In Development by Stormy Nights Interactive)

“Deductions” - Attorney of the Arcane

In this track, I use vertical re-mixing and a beatmapped horizontal transition to an outro to underscore the intensity of a deduction sequence, in which a player has to complete several logical challenges in a row to progress.

Composition & Implementation: Carlos Eiene

From “Attorney of the Arcane” (In Development by Diamondhenge Entertainment)

“The Juxtaposition” - Breeze in the Clouds

In this track, I use a beatmapped horizontal transition to progress music through different phases of a boss fight, while still keeping the beat and groove consistent.

Composition: Michael Staple

Arrangement & Implementation: Carlos Eiene

From “Breeze in the Clouds” (In Development by Stormy Nights Interactive)